
What does a Children’s Support Worker in our Care Intervention homes do?

In this mini-series, we will be answering that question, along with explaining the key differences between each of our main services on a day-to-day basis. We will be telling this story through ‘A Day In The Life Of’.

This day is from one home in our Care Intervention service in Wales.

07:30 – 09:30

Sleep-in staff from the night before begin their morning at around 07:30. The morning jobs that need to be completed include the morning Haccap, any routine checks – such as the First Aid check, making pack lunches for the children and staff going out on activities. As staff work two days on and four days off shift pattern, staff need to ensure that the home is presentable, and everything is in order before handover. Handover takes place at 9 am with the children being woken up for activity around 09.00/09.30.

09:30 – 14:30

Once the children are down, staff then ensure they are ready for their activities. This usually includes making breakfast so that they can wake up and have a chat about what we will be doing today. Staff also make sure that children have a change of clothes for the activity and ensure that they have enough snacks for the day.

Activities include gorge walking, coasteering, mountain biking, canoeing, kayaking and caving; or it could be a carer-led day.

14:30 – 18:00

After the activity, staff then chat with the individual about what they liked and disliked in the session so the activity centre can cater the programme to their needs. Staff then drive back to the home, which is a very important time for the individual as they can talk with staff or play their music and it is very grounding. Once back at the home, staff organise the child to wash, snack, bring down washing and talk about afternoon options, such as cinema, bowling, shopping, pool etc. This is also an optimum time for keywork sessions, where children visit the ‘Seven C’s’ which encourages them to talk through their feelings.

18:00 – 21:30

Dinner is usually prepared with the children and this is a time when we all sit together and eat. We also have our house meetings once a week, where children express their wants and needs. Once we are all cleared up this is the time to relax before bed. This may include board games, TV, the odd game of hide and seek, or could include settling for the younger children. Bedtime is staggered for the different age groups. All individuals are upstairs by 21.30.

21:30 – 23:00

Once children are in bed, staff then complete paperwork and clean the house before retiring to bed. During this time, staff have their debrief where they have a chance to discuss the pros and cons of the day and how they are feeling.

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