Community Outreach

Providing care and support to individuals and their
families in the home and the community.

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What is Outreach?

Fair Ways Community Outreach service provides personal and practical support to children aged 0-18 and adults aged 18-65, including support for service users with physical disabilities, learning difficulties or Autistic Spectrum Conditions.

We specialise in helping make a difference to the lives of the affected children and adults, and their surrounding families in the Southampton and Portsmouth area.

The service is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Community Support

We offer a wide range of services varying from daily support within the family home to weekly visits for activities within the community. Community Outreach supports individuals to stay within the family home, without which, they would otherwise have to be moved to a specialist provision.

Domiciliary Care

Domiciliary care consists of meeting basic care needs to improve quality of life and outcomes for service users, within their own home settings.

Our Service

The outreach and domiciliary care service provides support for individuals with a learning disability, autism, behavioural challenges, mental health, or complex care needs

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CQC Rating

CQC will regularly access our service to ensure we continue to provide high standard care and support to our service users and their families.

Read our latest report

Statement of Purpose

You can find out more information about the service, staff team and admission process here.

Find out more
  • We received consistently positive feedback from relatives that staff were kind, caring and compassionate in their approach with people. One relative commented, "Staff are fantastic, I wish we had known about the service a long time ago."

    Inspection Report
  • The team always make sure his days out are varied and fun!

    They know him so well now and know what works and what doesn’t. They are always happy to try something new and have a backup option if all doesn’t go to plan.

    from Parent / Guardian