GLADE School (ASC)

GLADE School in Totton, Southampton specialises in educating students aged between 11 - 19 with Autistic Spectrum Condition.

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About Us

In 2019, our school was the first in Hampshire to receive an Autism-friendly award from the National Autistic Society.

We recognise the importance of helping students with autism to develop problem-solving skills to promote independence both in school and in the transition to adult life. We strongly believe in creating an individualised programme to meet each child’s needs adapting a unique ‘autistic curriculum’. This not only captures the students learning needs but also addresses social, emotional and communication needs of children and young people with autism, and nurtures their independence and well-being.

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Reputation Matters

When I joined GLADE, I had missed 3 years of education and they caught me up in a year and a half.


Professionally Qualified Staff

Our staff are regularly trained in courses and techniques to enable effective practice in supporting students to make good progress both academically and socially. The school promotes joint working with specialist health practitioners and have their own therapy team, which includes a Speech and Language Therapist, an Occupational Therapist, Music Therapist and Play Therapist.

Our Values

At GLADE, we live by our values. We accept, inspire and nurture students, offering a bespoke education with a therapeutic approach. We encourage students to be ambitious for their next steps.

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Our Pedagogical Model

Our Pedagogical Model details our method and approach to teaching, which is driven by assessment for learning. This allows teachers to ensure that learning is always pitched at the correct level, allowing for over-learning and revisiting to embed key learning. It focuses on fostering creativity, curiosity, and independence to help students thrive. We believe in personalising learning to ensure every child’s unique needs are catered for.

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  • Pupils’ personal development is prioritised, particularly the development of social skills. The curriculum includes lots of opportunities to understand and thrive in the wider community. There are carefully planned and managed opportunities for pupils to learn to interact with others.

    GLADE School Inspection

Latest Ofsted Report

View our latest Ofsted Report here


View our latest Education policies

Therapeutic Education

Read about Fair Ways therapeutic model

  • We offer a unique experience to each and every student who walks through our door. We give them the best opportunities that we can.

    Laura Rowe
    Operations Director, Fair Ways

Contact us today

Send the Fair Ways team a message to find out more about our services. We’re happy to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

49 Junction Road, Totton, Southampton, UK

02380 867 036

Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm

Headteacher: Emma Moore

GLADE School
49 Junction Road, Totton
Southampton, SO40 3BU

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