
Mental Health week 2023

Below we have given some information about 4 Ways for Supporting a young persons mental health.   

Listening to and allowing young people to express their needs is at the core of what we do at Fair Ways and is incredibly important when it comes to supporting young people’s mental health.  

If your child is experiencing some emotional difficulty and you don’t have access to NHS or private mental health service, there are a few simple ways you can help support their mental wellbeing.  

  1. Spending quality time without devices or distractions is a great way to show your undivided attention. Whether you’re going out for a walk or a drive in the car, being present with young people can be really encouraging and good for opening up conversation. 
  1. Ensuring your home is a safe space for children will help them feel more settled and calmer. Young people spend most of their time at home so creating areas where they can go for some quiet time to refocus is a fantastic way to help young people regulate emotion and engage their senses. 
  1. Encouraging healthy routines and modelling this behaviour is a simple way to guide young people. Whilst this can be difficult, especially for teenagers and adolescents, people learn by watching others. So, from creating healthy routines to the food you eat and way you speak about yourself and others, these behaviours will often be picked up by your children. 
  1. Recognising their strengths and taking interest in or encouraging new hobbies and activities can make young people feel seen and appreciated.

We hope this has helped provide some ideas for you on how to better support mental health. Please remember if your child is experiencing poor mental health their are professionals who can help with this, you can speak to your doctor and child’s school and in emergencies call 999.

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