Transfer To Us

We are looking for experienced foster carers to join our team and offer excellent support to more young people.

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Transfering Agencies

We recognise that there are valid and understandable reasons why an approved foster carer may wish to leave or transfer to another foster agency. We welcome the fact that all foster carers have the right to change to or from another private agency or Local Authority.

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Peace of Mind

Fair Ways are very experienced in managing transfers between agencies. Please be assured we will oversee the continuity of care for a child during the process.

Seamless Transfer

We understand you may be anxious about changing and want further information. Fair Ways will provide you with a dedicated Assessing Social Worker who will happily answer any question or concerns about the transfer process and assist as required.

Why should you Transfer to Fair Ways

Experienced foster carers know that the level and quality of support is the key differentiator between agencies, and is vital to the success of placements. We have a proven record of providing the highest levels of quality support, training and pay.

What is the role of a foster carer

Your Role

Every child is different, but they all need care, support and encouragement and most of all a home. Fair Ways foster carers are just as different, but all have consistently strong values that meet these needs.

Types of Fostering

We offer different types of fostering, from short term to long term placements, respite placements and specialist placements.


Fostering sits at the heart of Fair Ways. It was our first service and over time we have built an extraordinary range of children's services around it. All that knowledge and support is available to Fair Ways foster carers.

Foster carers pay


We treat our foster carers as professionals and therefore pay our carers an allowance for their skills, commitment and care. Fair Ways ensures the highest levels of allowances are paid and reviews these payments regularly.

being a foster carer is a full time job


Fair Ways offers every carer the opportunity to work in our other services on a temporary basis. This ensures carers maintain a continued income whilst having an opportunity to increase professional skills and further career development.

learn more about fostering with Fair Ways


There are a few documents we have to make available for you to view which we would recommend reading. These are documents like our most recent Ofsted Report and our Statement of Purpose.

Enquire to become a foster carer

Join and receive world-class training and support, from an organisation that cares.

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