Fair Ways Foster Carer wins national Foster Carer Award

We are delighted to share that a Fair Ways Foster Carer (Charlie) has won the Foster Carer Award at The National Children and Young People Awards 2022.

‘We are delighted and very proud that Charlie has won the Foster Carer award. Her dedication to fostering young people and personal resilience is an inspiration,  and on behalf on everyone at Fair Ways we would like to thank her for her service”

Gareth Webb, Managing Director

The awards entry summary read as follows;

Charlie and her late husband Paul have been fostering for 16 years. In this time, they also inspired their son and partner to foster with Fair Ways charity. They have opened their home to many children, offering long term and Staying Put placements, as well as respite and emergency arrangements.

Charlie and Paul cared for many children with complex and challenging behaviour. They were well known for a warm and relaxed approach that puts young people at ease which has resulted in placement stability. This is reflected in how many of these young people are willing to stay with them long term and to maintain contact long after they have moved on.

Over the past two years, Paul suffered increasing ill health requiring frequent admissions to hospital, and being cared for by Charlie at home. Sadly, Paul passed away in May 2022.  Throughout this period, Charlie continued to foster two young people with complex needs and supported them in their return to their birth families ensuring their needs were still met. Charlie remains calm and warm towards the young people in her care and is always professional in her interactions with social workers, teachers and other professionals.

We truly believe that Charlie’s commitment, passion and love for the fostering role makes her an asset to our agency. Winning this award would mean so much to her and her family and would go some way in recognising and commemorating the contribution both her and Paul have made to the fostering community.

If you would like to become a foster carer and make a difference to the lives of Children, please get in contact below at fostering.info@fairways.co

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