Recent government research has suggested that many people would consider fostering but worry they simply can’t afford to choose this career. At Fair Ways we believe Fostering is a financially stable career and an equally rewarding life choice.
There are different types of Fostering. How much you get paid to foster will depend on who you are fostering, their age and their needs as well as your experience and skills as a foster carer. Foster carers are paid every every 2 weeks (when they have a young person living with them). This is made up of the Foster carer pay and the Young persons allowance.
Below we have provided six example case studies for different types of fostering with foster carers.
As well as these payments we also provide other allowances for birthdays and festive holidays. One unique benefit we can also offer to our foster carers is the opportunity to work in our other Fair Ways services. This means foster carers can take a break between placements and still be assured they can maintain a steady income.
These examples confirm that Fair Ways consistently pays the highest rates for Fostering. We understand people can be uncomfortable discussing pay and fostering however, fostering is a highly skilled career and we believe in compensating our foster carers well to reflect this. Our belief is that that candidates cannot be driven purely by money when choosing to foster. Their values and commitment to make a difference to a child’s life, must match ours as a charity above all else.
If fostering is a career you are considering and you would like more information, please get in touch today on fostering.info@fairways.co
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