
Types of Fostering

We offer many different types of fostering to suit the needs of both the foster carer and the children they look after

Tailor made fostering

There are different types of fostering placements that allow for either part-time fostering or the ability to become a full-time carer.

Short Term

This can last from an overnight stay to staying for several months. It is likely that the child will either return to their birth family or an extended family member. Sometimes this short term placement will provide a secure, safe place until a longer-term placement or adoption is arranged.

Long Term

Often a child, for many reasons, may not be able to live with their birth family for a number of years, or at all. This type of placement will provide a safe, nurturing home for a child to grow and develop until they reach adulthood.


Sometimes a young parent needs special support and guidance to be able to cope with being a parent themselves. This type of placement is not only to support the parent but to also keep a baby/young child safe. Many young parents need hands-on support as their own childhood may have been traumatic.


These types of placements happen with very little notice, during both day and night. Carers are prepared to take a child for a few days until longer-term plans are made. Often, the child will be frightened, distressed and require lots of reassurance.


This type of placement offers a short break, from a few hours a week, to a couple of weekends a month. This gives birth families or full-time foster carers the break they may need to recharge their batteries.


These placements are provided with more support than regular foster care. It involves placing a child with foster carers who have extensive experience and training in caring for children with complex emotional and behavioural difficulties.

Multi Cultural Community

We are proud of our growing multi-cultural community. We want to create a diverse organisation that not only welcomes, but celebrates people of all different cultures, faiths and backgrounds. We are an inclusive organisation that everybody is proud of, and those who hear about us want to be a part of.


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