
Christmas charity appeal results

Fair Ways are pleased to announce the results of their Christmas charity appeals consisting of the Fair Ways Care Leaver Backpack Appeal and The Giving Tree.

Fair Ways Care Leaver Backpack Appeal

We are proud to announce that this year, thanks to the generosity of everyone who supported us, we received the highest levels of donations ever. As a result, we are providing 110 backpacks for Care leavers across Portsmouth and the local areas. We want to thank MADLUG for their kind donations of all the bags.

90 Backpacks have been distributed to care leavers via Portsmouth city council and 20 more were further personalised for Fair Ways care leavers we are still in contact with after they left our care. By doing this we not only carry on supporting these young people after they leave us, but also maintain the positive relationships we have built, so they still feel valued and loved.

Portsmouth City Council commented:

“We would like to thank Fair Ways for their kind donations of rucksacks and presents to give to our care experienced young people at Christmas. The gift items are also useful and include many treats which is something that young people have told us they feel they miss out on at Christmas when living independently. They say it is a difference they notice from when they were in a residential placement or a foster home.”

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree was also a great success this year thanks to many generous donations via The STR Group, Carrington West and Meon Cross School.  

Between them they donated over 100 gifts for the children and young people currently in the care of Fair Ways. These personalised gifts were incredibly thoughtful and a fantastic way to give back to children in the local community.

Fair Ways would like to thank everyone for all donations. These have really made a difference to the lives of some of society’s most vulnerable this Christmas. We wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and a wonderful new year.

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