
Making a Difference in Fair Ways Outreach service

We love hearing about how we have made a real difference to the lives of the people we support. The team are always looking for ways to go over and above to make the most difference to those we care for.

In this recent example, our team showed how they also support the families of the people we care for, and how we can become an integral support network to them.


Maria is the sole carer for her 2 children, Derek and Leslie. Both have additional needs, with Derek also presenting behaviours that challenge. Derek requires 2:1 staffing and Leslie requires 1:1 staffing.

Maria’s eldest daughter has been studying at university in London and was due to graduate.

Maria does not have access to a capable support network (family etc.), and Derek does not attend any other day services or respite.

If Fair Ways couldn’t provide support, then Maria would not have been able to attend the graduation ceremony.

What we did

Maria spoke to staff, explaining that the graduation may cause her some issues. As such, the staff offered to give extra support to the family which would allow her to travel to London, and attend her daughter’s graduation.

Once the details of the graduation date were shared with Fair Ways, the rotas were looked at to see what additional support we could offer. Unfortunately, there was a team meeting scheduled for the same day, so, in discussion with Tracy (Outreach Manager), this was moved to another date. This involved changing shifts and staff going over and above to accommodate these changes.

Maria stated that she would be home by 18:30 on the day of the graduation, with the three team members assuring her that it would not be an issue if she was slightly later than this, and encouraged Maria to have a nice time.


Maria explained how she was confident in the support provided, and felt she could go, relax and not feel the need to keep checking her phone as she knew her children were safe. Melody (Maria’s eldest daughter) also expressed how happy she was that her mum could attend her graduation, and said this was because of Fair Ways.

Without this team effort, Maria wouldn’t have been able to attend her daughter’s Graduation Ceremony in London with the peace of mind that Derek and Leslie were safe and being cared for by people they knew.

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