
Fair Ways Apprentice Shortlisted for 2023 Portsmouth Business Excellence Awards

Fair Ways are delighted to have been shortlisted for the 2023 Portsmouth Business Excellence Awards for the third year in succession. We are especially pleased that Josh Vincent is nominated as a finalist in the Apprentice of the Year category.

Josh (Content Producer, Marketing) joined Fair Ways in 2019 and has since completed two apprenticeships, most recently earning a Distinction as a Level 3 Junior Content Producer. He is now Fair Ways’ main graphic content creator.

We are fully committed to ensuring that Fair Ways is an outstanding employer, and our core belief is that if we provide staff with the best training and support, they in turn, will strive to deliver the best.

Apprenticeship qualifications at all levels of the charity are increasingly important. They develop our workforce, ensuring Fair Ways continues to deliver high-quality care and support as the leading children’s services charity in the south of England.

We are proud to have been shortlisted and have our fingers crossed for Josh at the awards ceremony on Friday 10th February 2023.

The ultimate photo bomb – Photo taken at the 2022 Fair Ways Conference

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