
New years resolutions. This year do something amazing.

As a new year begins we tend to think about what we would like to achieve this year and how we can better ourselves in the months ahead. Many of us will write New Years resolutions to guide us with this change.

According to a recent YouGov survey, these where the top 10 New years resolutions in 2022:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Lose weight / Improve diet
  3. Save more money
  4. Pursuing a career ambition
  5. Quit smoking
  6. Decorating/renovating my home
  7. Learn a new skill or hobby 
  8. Cutting down on drinking
  9. Volunteering
  10. Spending more time with family/friends

How many of these do you think relate to fostering? We believe a few of these resolutions can be worked on by considering fostering with Fair Ways.

  1. Pursing a career ambition. Not many people immediately think of Fostering in career terms but in fact, Fostering is a rewarding career choice in which you will not only be treated as professional but also seen as a vital and valued local hero.
  2. Learn a new skill or hobby. As a foster carer you will learn lots of new skills and receive plenty of training to develop your knowledge of trauma informed child care and being a specialist foster carer. Many of our carers comment on how much they learn in such a short space of time and how much they value our high quality training
  3. Volunteering. Many people choose this resolution to give back to those less fortunate than themselves or to do some good deeds. Fostering is a great opportunity to do both of these things – and get paid to do so.
  4. Spending more time with family/friends. Fostering means you can leave your 9-5 office job behind to be at home with your family. Fostering gives parents the opportunity to be at home for their birth children more whilst helping raise another child.

What are your new year resolutions this year? Would you like to know more about fostering with Fair Ways, if you are interested in learning more please emailing info.fostering@fairways.co

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