
The Hub

Supporting the healthy development, wellbeing and relationships of children and young people within Fair Ways services

What is The Hub?

The Hub comprises a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians and associated professionals supporting the healthy development, wellbeing and relationships of children and young people within Fair Ways services

Our aim

We aim to offer a therapeutic intervention; one that is restorative, healing or helping to create the desired change.

The method

Our formulations are not fact, they are helpful guesses, and they consider the biological, psychological and the socio-cultural information available to us. They are informed by published evidence and a shared understanding of certain theories, including those relating to attachment, trauma and child- and neurological development.

Our values

Our practise is underpinned by the values or ways of thinking we share as clinicians. These include approaching problems with curiosity, appreciating there is always a context and a multiverse of possible views and explanations, and understanding behaviour as communication of need.

We are mindful of the position and power we may be afforded as professionals. We don’t
assume without question a 'helper-helpee' role but encourage our service-users and those
around them to recognize and build on their own resilience and strengths.


As clinicians, we are members of governing or accrediting bodies and through
these we are guided by ethics and standards in our therapy and professional practice.

External supervisors are commissioned to provide each of us with regular clinical supervision.

A weekly multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting enables rich thinking about the work we do. This is acknowledged as a space for debate, challenge and creativity,
drawing on clinical expertise and evidence to support the decisions made.

Our statement of purpose

For more information about the Hub please find attached our Statement of Purpose

View our Statement of purpose here

Our services can help with:

Emotional dysregulation
Unhelpful patterns of behaviour
Placement disruption or breakdown
Navigating transitions (practically and life-stage)
Changes in behaviour
Having little or no access to education, employment
Self-esteem Loss